Monday, June 27, 2011

The Latest News

Most of you are probably aware by now that we were recently appointed as missionaries with United World Mission…we are beyond excited to be apart of their team, and we had a GREAT week at UWM’s orientation!  Most of the time when you are away for a week it feels good to get back into your own home, but we walked through the front door feeling quite bummed to be back.   UWM has a small office staff (6 people), and we left orientation having parted from family!  Their humility and kindness in leadership was so refreshing!  God touched us in a special way that week!
Some interesting facts about Costa Rica, where we will serve as missionaries…
·         The average temperature year round is 75 to 80 degrees
·         There are lots of bugs but very few mosquitoes
·         An estimated 10 to 15% of the population is Nicaraguan
·         Many fast food restaurants (ex. McDonalds) will deliver food to your home
·         It’s the only country without a military of any kind
·         ¼ of the land is protected by the government; Costa Rica has rich lands 
   with lots of wildlife and marine life
·         It can be said of the church that it is a mile wide, but only an inch deep
The last fact about Costa Rica helps frame the reason why we are heading there specifically.  Sadly, too few have experienced what its like to have a daily, life-transforming walk with the Lord.  God has given us a deep burden to see the roots of the church in Costa Rica and throughout Latin America
deepened.  Our work will involve discipleship, training and education for leaders, who will in turn be equipped to disciple their own people, as well as the nations. 

Now that we are back in Columbia we are taking one day at a time to pray and prepare for the journey ahead.  We know each day here is preparation for the work God is calling us to over there.  

God has really been blessing our time here in Columbia with some great friendships…something that we have needed.  We have had to watch many of our seminary friends move away, but God has been so good to meet our need through old and new friendships.  It will be crazy fun to get to heaven and fellowship with all the people God has put in our lives at different seasons…friendships that pick up right where you left them, they are simply a treasure!

We kicked off the summer by getting drastic haircuts, all except Ann Renee of course.  She’s been cooling off by spending time in her baby pool (it looks like a crab, it’s too cute).  It’s incredible to watch Ann Renee grow!  What she lacks for mobility, she makes up with her vocal cords.  She’s quite verbal J  We are truly enjoying the adventure of parenthood. 

That’s all for now…until next time may you and your family be blessed! Thanks for reading  J

Ann Renee in her crab pool!